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发布时间:2025/02/05    浏览次数:
本文摘要:5 Major Beauty Apps in China You Should Know媒体票选:中国最火的5款美颜APPThe proliferation of social media and interactive smartphone-based apps has demonstrated that e-marketing is an irreversible trend. A 2016 McKinsey report shows that over 44 percent of all luxury goods sales are influenced by Internet research or online buzz. That means, even if not all social media users are buying, you want your brand followers and onlookers to talk about you on the Internet. In the case of China, the latest battlefield is beauty camera apps, which have become an overnight hit in the West.社交媒体以及交互手机应用于的蔓延指出网络营销的潮流已势不可挡。

5 Major Beauty Apps in China You Should Know媒体票选:中国最火的5款美颜APPThe proliferation of social media and interactive smartphone-based apps has demonstrated that e-marketing is an irreversible trend. A 2016 McKinsey report shows that over 44 percent of all luxury goods sales are influenced by Internet research or online buzz. That means, even if not all social media users are buying, you want your brand followers and onlookers to talk about you on the Internet. In the case of China, the latest battlefield is beauty camera apps, which have become an overnight hit in the West.社交媒体以及交互手机应用于的蔓延指出网络营销的潮流已势不可挡。2016年,麦肯锡公司发售了一份报告,报告指出多达44%的奢侈品销量受到互联网和网络口碑的影响。也就是说,尽管不是所有的网民都会出售这个品牌的产品,但公司的目的是沦为品牌追随者或是围观群众的网络话题。在中国,最近这一“战斗”则是有关美颜手机应用于,在西方国家,这些应用于早已沦为了一夜爆红的产品。

1.MeituPic1、美图秀秀Developed by the Xiamen-based Meitu Inc, Meitu Pic is the company’s flagship beauty camera app and was the first to become a big hit among Western users.美图秀秀是由厦门美图公司研发的王牌美颜app,也是首个在西方一炮打白的美颜app。Last December, Meitu Inc completed a $629 million IPO in Hong Kong. But it rose to widespread popularity back in 2008, soon after its launch that year when it captured the desire by China’s smartphone generation to look attractive online. The app has drawn some 456 million users, who use it to post more than 6 billion photos every month.去年12月,美图公司首次公开发表在香港IPO,筹集资金6.29亿。然而早在2008年,美图公司就意识到中国的“智能手机一代”想自己在网络上也显得美美的,于是就发售了美图秀秀,该应用于日后发售,之后很快窜红。

In addition to MeituPic, Meitu Inc has developed a series of beauty camera apps such as Beauty Plus, Poster Labs and Meipai, each specializing in facial feature enhancement, video editing and many other features.除了美图秀秀,美图公司也研发了一系列美颜应用于,如美颜照相机,海报工厂以及美拍电影,这些应用于分别用作修颜即视频编辑的功能,各具特色。Luxury brands have already cottoned to the potential of reaching out to young, affluent Chinese consumers who hope to express themselves through fashion and beauty camera apps such as MeituPic.奢华品牌也早已开始向中国年长富裕的消费者弯曲,这些年轻人期望用时尚或是美图秀秀一类的美颜应用于来流露自己。2.Makeup Plus2、美妆照相机Makeup Plus is developed by Meitu Inc, our first app on the list, but this app is worth mentioning separately as it represents the company’s latest move to integrate luxury goods branding into the everyday photo-editing experience.美妆照相机和名列第一的美图秀秀一样,由美图公司研发。美妆照相机代表了美图公司近期的理念,将要奢侈品植入每日的照片编辑体验中,因此我们把它分开所列来说。

Using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, Makeup Plus can accurately detect a user’s facial features and apply virtual makeup—eyeshadow, mascara products and even hair styles—to the user’s selfie.由于应用于了增强现实技术(AR),美妆照相机可以准确地观测到使用者的面部特征并展开虚拟世界化妆,——它不仅可以给用户的自拍相片涂眼影、睫毛膏,甚至能转变用户的发式。3.Pitu3、天天P图Tian Tian Pi Tu, is a beauty app developed by China’s Internet giant Tencent. Similar to other photo-editing apps, Pitu offers a number of beautifying filters, blemish removing tools and virtual makeup options for users to choose from.天天P图是由中国网络巨头腾讯研发出有的一款美颜应用于,其字面意思即“修图是一件每日无以做到的事情”。和其他美颜软件一样,P图也获取了大量的滤镜,瑕疵去除以及虚拟世界化妆功能可供用户自由选择。Launched in 2014, Pitu has accumulated 106 million monthly active users (MAUs). While the number is not as impressive as that of Meitu’s apps, some argue that the user base of Tencent’s gaming products and chat applications, such as QQ and WeChat, gives Pitu great potential for further growth. According to Chinese app watchers, Pitu’s target audience is younger and more individualized than that of MeituPic. 80 percent of Pitu’s users are younger than 25, giving the app more room to try out more bold features.天天P图于2014年发售,如今其每月活跃用户量已约1.06亿。


In June 2017, Italian jewelry and luxury goods brand Bulgari partneredwith Pitu to promote Serpenti, its latest hexagon sunglass series.2017年6月,意大利知名的珠宝和奢侈品品牌宝格丽和P图进行合作,联合推展宝格丽的系列产品。4.FaceU4、激萌In contrast with most other beauty apps, FaceU, 激萌, focuses more on the social feature, encouraging users to video chat with friends and even strangers while playing with its fun stickers — and the strategy is undoubtedly working.和大多数的美颜APP有所不同,激萌更为侧重社交功能,它希望用户与朋友甚至,陌生人展开视频通话,并为其获取各种有意思的贴,而这一策略毫无疑问是顺利的。

Launched in 2016, the app, which mainly targets female users between 15 and 35, has twice made it onto the Apple store’s Chart for top apps. Having attracted over 250 million registered users by March 2017, the app, according to a report, enjoys the highest user stickiness among major camera apps. In the same month, FaceU completed its Series B financing with “tens of millions of dollars” in investment led by Meitu Inc.激萌于2016年发售,主要用户为15到35岁的女性,并两次选入苹果商店最佳应用于榜单。一份报告中认为,截至到2017年3月,激萌的登记用户早已多达2.5亿人次。同时,激萌也是众多照相机应用于中用户粘性最低的。

5.Camera3605、360照相机Camera360, one of China’s earliest smartphone-based photo-editing apps, is owned by a Chengdu-based company called Pinguo Technology.360照相机由成都苹果科技公司研发,是中国最先的用作照片编辑的手机应用于之一。According to the company, Camera360, its flagship product, has over 200 million users worldwide who produce millions of photographs, on average, per day.据该公司统计资料,他们的旗舰商品——360照相机,在全球范围内的用户数量早已超过2亿人,平均值每天不会作出上百万的照片。There are more than 200 filters available on Camera360, where users can also add live face effects and stickers to their photos. Many celebrities and Western companies have chosen to work with Camera360 to promote their shows and movies in the Chinese market.360照相机为用户获取了200多种滤镜,用户也可以为自己的照片重新加入生动的表情和贴。许多名人和西方公司都利用360照相机在中国推展自己的节目和电影。



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